Welcome to Dr Bull’s Clinic

Your specialist in Vienna for endoscopy, proctology and vein treatment
Dear Visitor,
Dr. Bull is your consultant surgeon in Vienna for venous and endoscopic, outpatient procedures. The clinic specialises in endoscopy (gastro-and colonoscopy), proctology and venous surgery. The Surgical Clinic Sievering in the 19th dictrict and the private city clinic in Heiligenkreuzerhof are the trend of today’s development : the precautionary endoscopic examinations and many minimally invasive surgical procedures require no hospitalisation: it can be done in an outpatient surgical centre or an outpatient clinic. Medical care, and surgical facilities meet the highest standards in a private surrounding.
On our website you will find in addition to surgery and surgical practice , important patient information , either in the form of conditions or alphabetic listing . If you have questions you can always contact us in Vienna .
Day Surgery
Outpatient surgery: Day surgery or outpatient surgery means performing a surgical procedure without a hospital stay of several days. The patient comes to the clinic, is then operated on and goes home the same day. The advantages here are the early mobilisation of the patient, the better calculability of the time sequence, the lower risk of hospital-related infections and a better utilisation of the hospital operations. On the contrary, the early mobilisation and the lower risk of infection (hospital germs) significantly reduces convalescence …. read on.
Weitere Informationhttp://youtu.be/AVle1jOEHK4
In Austria, more than 5,000 people suffer from colon cancer each year. This makes it one of the most common cancers. In the case of colorectal cancer, prevention is able to detect the condition not only at an early and therefore treatable time, but also to prevent the onset of cancer by prophylactic treatment of benign precursors.
Since the introduction of screening colonoscopy, hundreds of colon cancer cases and deaths per year can be prevented in Austria. There could be more – because it makes a difference whether or not the investigation is quality assured.
Varicose vein treatment
Varicose veins do not just bother you cosmetically. They also cause fatigue, congestion, calf cramps, skin lesions and repeated phlebitis until the development of a lower leg ulcer (venous ulcer). In the early stages of venous disease, attempts can be made to teat the varicose veins with a sclerosant. This method called sclerotherapy is only recommended for varicose veins less than 7mm, but in very advanced varicose veins a lasting success is unlikely. The same applies to treatment measures, such as wearing a rubber stocking and the administration of medication. But we can advise surgery if the deep venous system is intact. This requires detailed studies, eg. As the Doppler ultrasound, for functional representation of the venous system.
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